Fly Fishing Rules and Tariff
1. Fishing is permitted from half an hour before sunrise until half an hour after sunset. Anglers are required to enter and leave the fishery quietly and dive at very slow speed. Please leave no litter. A bin for this is provided in the fishing hut.
2. The fishery records book is to be signed prior to fishing and completed at the end of each fishing session irrespective of whether or not fish have been caught.
3. Catch and release of rainbow trout is permitted subject to adherence to the guidelines set out below.
4. All brown trout caught are to be returned to the water. Brown trout are stocked in both lakes and consequently barbless or debarbed hooks are to be used at all times.
5. Fly fishing is permitted using a single fly only except when fishing a ‘static’ nymph when one dry fly on a dropper of no more than 6 ins. (15 cm) total length may be used for depth control.
6. Maximum hook size for dry fly patterns is size 10.
7. No lures are to be used when fishing Shide Lake and the maximum overall dressing size for wet flies is 1 inch (254 mm).
8. Cars are to be parked on the hard-standing provided near to the fishing hut.
9. For safety reasons, see below, wading is not permitted.
10. The owners of Marvel Farm accept no liability for any accident, damage, loss or injury suffered by anglers, their friends and family whilst attending the fishery and anglers are encouraged to arrange their own insurance cover. (The Trout and Salmon Association offer insurance for anglers). See below for particular warning concerning deep water and slippery banks.
11. Except by prior arrangement, anglers may bring no more than three non-fishing friends / members of their family to the fishery at any one time. The angler is responsible for their safety and behaviour at all times and both the angler and other members of his/her party may be asked to leave if an acceptable code of conduct is not adhered to. No refund will be made.
12. There is no public right of way around the lakes or through the farm. Anglers and their guests are asked to keep to the track leading to the lakes and to the banks. If anyone unconnected with the fishery or holiday cottage is found around the lakes please report the fact immediately to the farmhouse or by telephone 07860 499851.
13. Anglers are to ensure that they are in possession of a valid Environment Agency Rod Fishing Licence before fishing. This can be obtained from the Post Office or via this website:
Anglers are warned that the banks are often slippery and all shelve away quickly into deep water. Anglers and anyone accompanying them are strongly advised to wear a lifejacket at all times. As a matter of common sense, suitable footwear and eye protection should also be worn while fishing.
Catch and Release
Apart from the use of barbless hooks anglers are asked to adhere to the following additional rules and guidelines:
a) Any fish deeply hooked and/or with a bleeding wound is to be dispatched and is to be paid for at a cost of £10.00 per fish irrespective of weight. If such a fish constitutes the third fish killed by an angler, the angler is to stop fishing.
b) Knotless (as currently required by law) and preferably micromesh landing nets must be used.
c) Fish are to be unhooked in the water, and to aid unhooking and minimise handling of fish, all anglers are asked to carry and use a catch and release, unhooking tool. A suitable instrument manufactured by Stonefly can be purchased by mail order from various suppliers including Sportfish:
d) Fish are at all times to be handled with extreme care and with wet hands which are uncontaminated with synthetic products of any kind.
e) Fish are not to be played out and are to be taken to the net as soon as possible after hooking.
f) Any fish incapable of energetically swimming from the net is to be allowed to recover by being gently held immersed in a normal swimming position until it swims free of its own accord.
g) In very hot, still weather catch and release of rainbow trout may be temporarily suspended.
i) Fish caught and released are to be recorded in the fishery records book.
j) Anglers are asked to report any fish showing signs of disease. Please telephone 07860 499851 or call at the farmhouse.
Coarse Fishing
a) Barbless hooks only.
b) Where possible c above to be complied with. In addition anglers are to have and use an unhooking mat for handling larger fish. Anglers must be in possession of a suitable landing net and all fish over 10 cm to be landed with a net.
c) Nets to be sterilised prior to arrival at the fishery if used at any other venue.
d) Keepnets are not permitted.
e) No bait boats.
f) No open tins. All bait to be in bait boxes / tubs.
g) One hook only per rod. No double or triple hooks to be used.
h) Braided mainline is not permitted but braided hook lengths are acceptable.
i) No paternoster rigs, tether rigs or fixed method feeders.
j) Two rods are permitted for coarse fishing.
k) Spinning is not permitted.
l) No bivvies or similar structures are to be erected and no fires or cooking permitted at the fishery.
m)Rule 1 above to be strictly complied with.
Syndicate membership £360 per year.
Syndicate rules provided upon application.
Visitors fishing tariffs:
Retention of two fish and unlimited catch and release, £45 per day, or part thereof.
NOTE: Visitors are required to return any fish in excess of 3 lbs (1.4 kg) in weight.

Unlimited catch and release, £30 per day, or part thereof.
Coarse fishing only, £25 per day

Fly fishing tackle hire £10 per day.

Tuition £30 per hour.
Blackwater Lake